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Your Go-To Source for confidence to sell every bounce
Equity Long-Short Trade #3 // Netflix vs SPDR Gold Trust
As we navigate volatile markets and busy work schedules in the past two weeks, we were pleased to see that Trade #1 is up 15% while...
Equity Long-Short Trade #2 // Creative Technology vs Clean TeQ
After a successful call from Trade #1 posted last week which have gained 6% so far, our new equities guy is back with trade #2. Trade #2...
Equity Long-Short Trade #1 // General Electric vs Ho Bee Land
We are starting a new segment from this week called the Equity Long-Short trading strategies by recommending a pair trade from the range...
Why Apple (AAPL) quarterly results really matter next week. Issuing DEFCON 1 awareness on a possible
Given the volatility global financials markets saw this month, we thought that it would be important to sense what the big trigger would...
The mysterious case of value destruction.
We are hearing large falls in housing prices in both Shanghai and Hong Kong, which have yet to be reported in the main stream media. 15%...
Why we think there will be no US-China top level talks in November G20 to resolve the on-going Trade
Chinese and U.S. negotiators are reportedly working on a plan to hold talks to end a trade dispute that would result in meetings between...
How US-CHINA Trade War have triggered a Currency War which will lead to the burst of USD Dominated D
The US - China trade war have finally erupted with implementations of 35B USD worth of Tariffs by both US and China on 6th July 2018....
How the on-going US-China Trade War risk a possible failure to the China Sponsored Trump-Kim Summit
We have warned on our Facebook page earlier this week on 11/6/18 that the main risk to the financial markets would be the 15th of June,...
More trouble ahead? PIIGS CDS Spike alongside higher yields and weaker Euro + A look at the US-China
A quick recap to the previous week post before we move to this week analysis on refocused attention in PIIGS. We were excited to see that...
A look at Federal Reserve Quantitative Tightening Programme, its effect on the US Dollar and US Equi
A good week for the S&P500 after the strong reverse day on 3/5/18 which we have not looked back since. We however would like to emphasis...
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